So far we have learnt that
A stands for ADVENTUROUS
When we are adventurous we get to put a grasshopper in our ACTIVE GARDEN, when we are collaborative we add a bee and for being thoughtful we add a butterfly.
This week we will learn about being INNOVATIVE, VALUED and EMPOWERED.
We have also looked at collecting, displaying and talking about data in Mathematics. Here are some of our graphs and displays.
In Mrs Jollivet's literacy group we read a shared story "In the Garden" and painted a part of the story to make a wall display. We also have some writing in response to the text which you can look at in the Community.
On Friday we had ACTION STATIONS where the children got to choose different activities to explore. Some of us enjoyed being able to play in the Homeroom, Construction Cave and Library while others took part in the craft stations set up by Mrs Quinn and Whaea Melanie which were making Rainbow Clouds and Ice-block stick dragonflies.
WOW a busy week, but an excellent one. I wonder what we will be learning about next week...