Monday 27 January 2020

28 January

Welcome to Community One 2020!

Dear Parents,

A sunny and warm welcome to Community One 2020.  We are very excited to have you and your children join us this year and the teachers are busy preparing for your first day.

To help make your child's first day at school as happy and positive as we can, here are some helpful hints that you can support them with:

  1. Talk positively about them starting school.  Be excited and talk about how much fun they are going to have.
  2. Come to the open day on 5 February with your child so they can see who their teacher is and know what to do on Monday the 10th February.
  3. Give their guardian teacher their stationery on 5 February.
  4. Talk to your child about your leaving routine so that they are prepared and not surprised.
Eg of a leaving routine:
"When we get to school, I will help you to remember where to put your bag and what to unpack.  We will  greet your teacher and then it will be time for mum/dad to go.  I will give you a big hug and a kiss and you can go play on the playground or stay with your teacher until the music plays for morning snack."  
Remember each child is an individual and you know what will work best for them so talk with them so that together you come up with a routine that works for them.  Quick, uncomplicated routines work best and can easily be remembered and recalled.

Explore this blog for other information and term 1 dates to add to your diary.

In the first week we will be reading the story The Kissing Hand.  This is a special story which links to having a good leaving routine.  Click on the link below to view the story online.

Click here

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